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About this position 關於職缺

Deutsche Windtechnik is the world’s No. 1 independent operations and maintenance service provider for on- & offshore wind farms, executing maintenance, repairs, and inspections on all assets of a wind farm. We operate worldwide in 10 countries with over 2,100 employees in total and since 2018 our first Asian entity and APAC hub in Taiwan started. We want to be a major part of Taiwan’s renewable energy journey and we need you in our growing team.  

德唯特是全球陸域及離岸風場業界首屈一指的獨立營運與維護服務供應商,業務涵蓋風場資產的維護、維修與查驗。本公司在全球 10 個國家設立營運據點,員工總數超過 2000 人,2018 年更於台灣設立首個亞洲實體及亞太中心。我們期望成為台灣再生能源之旅的重要助力,因而需要您加入這日漸茁壯的團隊。 

We are looking for a Project Manager to join our team in Taipei, with irregular travel required to Taichung and other project locations. It will be a permanent employment contract with 40 working hours per week (Mo-Fr), 8h per day. Start at the earliest possible date.  

我們正在尋找一位專案經理加入我們位於台北的團隊,並需定期出差至台中及其他專案地點本項工作為長期僱傭合約,每週工時 40 小時 (週一至週五) 且每日工時 8 小時。希望儘早到職


所需資格 / Requirements

• Great opportunity for professionals with suitable university degree and above on 2 years' project management experiences, experiences in wind industry or similar energy industries are an advantage
• 極適合擁有相關大學學歷以及 2 年以上專案管理經驗的專業人士,具風能產業或類似能源產業經驗者尤佳

• Professionals with more than 2 years of experience in wind turbine (WTG) project management will be given priority.
• 優先考慮具有兩年或以上風力發電機 (WTG) 領域經驗者。 

• Native speaking skills in Mandarin and excellent English skills are mandatory
• 華語程度等同母語人士且精通英語

• Equipped with self-independent working style with good reporting attitude
• 具備獨立自主的工作風格以及良好的報告態度

• Driver license and readiness to travel inside Taiwan
• 持有駕照且願意至台灣各地出差

工作內容 / Your Tasks

•Execute independent management of orders and projects in the field of operations and maintenance of wind farms, taking into account cost, quality and milestone requirements
• 執行有關風場營運與維護的訂單及專案之獨立管理工作,同時顧及成本、品質與里程碑要求。

• Budget responsibility within the assigned projects.
• 管理專案預算及編列分配預算項目。

• Leading the project team as well as defining, planning, implementing, and controlling work packages in coordination with the relevant departments.
• 領導專案團隊,並與相關部門協調定義、規劃、實施和控制工作項目。

•Serve as the primary point of contact for the customer, with occasional coordination required with Taiwan Power Company (TPC).
•擔任客戶的主要聯絡窗口,並在必要時與台灣電力公司 (TPC)協調。

• Coordination and management of internal interfaces as well as clients and third parties.
• 協調及管理公司內部團隊、客戶及其他相關第三方。

• Creating plans and tracking of project schedules, project budgets and staffing requirements.
• 建立計畫並追蹤工作項目進度、預算及人員配置。

• Reporting of the project progress and results to the customer and internal higher management
• 向客戶與內部高階管理層級報告專案進度及成果

• Responsible for customer satisfaction and acquisition of additional orders as well as increase of after sales business in assigned projects.
• 負責客戶滿意度以及額外專案指定項目的售後服務。

• Responsible for work performance evaluation of employees in the project team, including the employees on site and office.
• 負責專案團隊之員工績效評估,包含現場營運人員及辦公室成員。

•Proactively share lessons learned and best practices and take responsibility for improvement initiatives to ensure continuous enhancement of project delivery and work processes.

•Strong PC skills, with proficiency in MS Office, and understanding of Project Management systems
•具備電腦操作能力,熟練使用 MS Office 並擁有項目管理系統的知識。

•Ensure adherence to and implementation of HSE guidelines.
• 確保遵守並執行專案HSE指南

福利制度 / Benefits

• Fair Salary and additional health insurance
• 提供合理的薪資及額外團體保險

• Beneficial leave regulations
• 休假福利優於勞基法

• Necessary trainings and work clothes will be provided
• 提供該職務所需之必要訓練及工作服裝

• Dynamic team in an international company
• 充滿活力與熱情的全球團隊

• Join one of the best industries - green energy industry
• 躋身卓越產業行列—綠色能源產業

• Short decision paths
• 公司內部決策快速

• Varied team events
• 多采多姿的團隊活動

Join now the growing renewable energy industry and become part of world changing movement. Are you interested? 

We are looking forward to receiving your job application in the near future.